Rugeley, St Augustine

Station Road, Rugeley WS15 2HG

6 bells, tenor 7-2-26 in G

Contact: Marie Hill (01889 570049)

10 Portobello, Rugeley WS15 2QS


Practice night: Thursday 19:30

Sunday service: 10:00 - 10:30


Abraham Rudhall cast the existing six bells from an earlier ring of four which weighed a total of 29-1-6. They were originally hung in the now derelict old church of the same dedication, on the opposite side of the road, before being transferred to the new church in 1823. The original wooden frame was reused and was installed diagonally in the new tower. The bells were rehung by Taylor's in 1903. In 1998 a successful bid was made to the Millennium Fund to help fund the rehanging of the existing six bells in a new metal frame for eight lower in the tower. Some of the bells required welding before being retuned by Taylor's. Hayward Mills completed the rehanging with all new fittings in November 1999.

