Longdon, St James

Off the A51, Longdon WS15 4PS

6 bells, tenor 11-2-18 in Ab

Contact: Janet Allen 

Email: lesleyjanet2014@gmail.com

Practice night: Thursday 19:30 (5th only)

Sunday service: 10:00 - 10:30


These bells were recast and augmented from four to five by Abraham Rudhall in 1727. By 1911 they were reported as going very badly in The Bell News and were rehung on ball bearings and quarter-turned by Mears & Stainbank in 1935 reusing the old elm headstocks. The ringing room is interesting in that the staircase exits into the centre of the room making careful handling essential. Despite unsuccessful bids to the Lottery and Heritage Funds, the parish successfully completed a project to retune and rehang the existing bells in a new metal low-side frame for six lower in the tower and provide a new treble bell. This work was completed by Taylor's in September 1999.

