Wombourne, St Benedict Biscop

Church Road, Wombourne WV5 9DG

8 bells, tenor 9-2-13 in F#

Contact: Carol Porter (01902 898409)

26 Ladywell Close, Wombourne WV5 9AH

Email: carolporteruk@yahoo.co.uk 

Practice night: Monday 19:30

Sunday service: 10:00 - 10:30


Henry Bagley III cast six bells in 1744 and these were augmented to eight by James Barwell in 1890. The ring was rehung by Gillett & Johnston in 1953 in the existing two-tier wooden frame. They were rehung again in 1996 by Haywood/Mills who provided a new two-tier metal frame, whilst Taylor's recast the poorly toned Barwell trebles and retuned the remainder of the ring.

